Upcoming Tours 2025
Sacred Journeys
Amantha regularly organises Sacred Journeys of Ireland for women only, mixed, and couple groups. Experiencing ancient Irish sites of deep and powerful significance, through intention and ritual, allows us to move within to that place of communion.
Reconnecting to the Land reconnects us to ourselves. Being held by the Land, by the deep love of the Cailleach in her various faces, allows awareness, awakening, deep healing and releasing.
Sacred Journeys
Amantha regularly organises Sacred Journeys of Ireland for women only, mixed, and couple groups. Experiencing ancient Irish sites of deep and powerful significance, through intention and ritual, allows us to move within to that place of communion.
Reconnecting to the Land reconnects us to ourselves. Being held by the Land, by the deep love of the Cailleach in her various faces, allows awareness, awakening, deep healing and releasing.

Women Only Groups
The group unfailingly finds its own harmonious direction; if there is a group that wants to do more inner work then that is what we follow and if the group feels the call to go to more sites then this is the route we take.
Amantha has focused the majority of these pilgrimages just for women as she finds this allows us to go much deeper. Women feel safer with other women. Most importantly, it also evokes the ancient sisterhood, where we can be there for each other, where we can grieve together, we can laugh together, we can hold each other in a place of safety. The women are encouraged to move through the archetypes of the Goddesses supported by the deep feminine energy in Ireland.
As we reconnect with the Land and Her many sacred places, we move instinctively into re-membering, through the archetypes, and the myths and legends of the Land. This can also draw forth in women, aspects of the shadow – the dark Goddess and the Wild Woman as well as the Child, Mother and Crone aspects. Through Pilgrimage these aspects can be invoked just by attuning with the Land and the inner work we share together.
We come in song, in ceremony, and at times, in silence as we begin to open to those aspects of Her nature which brings us to those aspects of ourselves.
As we reconnect with the Land and Her many sacred places, we move instinctively into re-membering, through the archetypes, and the myths and legends of the Land. This can also draw forth in women, aspects of the shadow – the dark Goddess and the Wild Woman as well as the Child, Mother and Crone aspects. Through Pilgrimage these aspects can be invoked just by attuning with the Land and the inner work we share together.
We come in song, in ceremony, and at times, in silence as we begin to open to those aspects of Her nature which brings us to those aspects of ourselves.
Sacred Sites
Some of the sites we go to are places that have always been known as places of sacredness in Ireland and some are interwoven within the Land, calling to us to connect again with Her nature. We go to stone circles, sacred wells, and dolmens, specific rivers and lakes abounding in stories and myths. When we go to these places, Amantha tells the stories of the Land, as the Land knows them, as the Stone People hold them in these places, and that invokes in us our memories, for the stories of the Land are there to remind us.

‘‘I have been facilitating Pilgrimages since 1995 and it’s always been a magical, sacred and playful experience. We come together as women and through the experiences we move on as Sisters, changed and awakened.
The Pilgrimage is often a respite from the women’s daily lives, and we have to honour those needs for relaxation, play and, of course, there is always time for retail therapy!”
Join us in Pilgrimage
2025 Pilgrimages now open for bookings
Bealtaine Pilgrimage: 11th May – 22nd May 2025
Couples Pilgrimage: Sunday 8th June – Thursday 19th June 2025
Shamanic Priestess Pilgrimage: Sunday 6th July – Thursday 17th July 2025
Please email amantha.celticsouljourneys@gmail.com for booking form & detailed itinerary.
Find out more about what’s on offer in the slideshows below.
Be inspired by the land,
by the deep love of the Cailleach in her various faces.
Bealtaine Pilgrimage 2025
Sunday 11th May – Thursday 22nd May 2025
Itinerary in slideshow below
Couples Pilgrimage 2025
Sunday 8th June – Thursday 19th June 2025
Itinerary in slideshow below
Priestess Pilgrimage 2025
Sunday 6th July – Thursday 17th July 2025
Itinerary in slideshow below
A Sacred Journey with Amantha and Terri O’Hara
2026 dates to be confirmed
Private Tour Groups
2025 & 2026
“Every pilgrimage needs an Amantha.”

“What a journey! It was so life changing. I send you all my love, until we meet again.”
“Dearest Sweet Amantha, From the depths of my heart and soul – thank you for the adventure, soul healing and sisterhood. One hundred thousand blessings to you and all your relations.”
“Dear Amantha, I hardly know what to say except, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, Thank You, Thank you, Thank You, for all the love you have given me and all you have … in me & all that you are.”