Rituals, Ceremonies & Rites of Passage



Rituals, Ceremonies

& Rites of Passage

Rituals, Ceremonies and Rites of Passage are indigenous to us as human beings, they are archetypical within us, going way back to our earliest people. Rituals and Ceremonies give us the opportunity to mark the pivotal and personal points in our lives. Recognising how we can move from the pain or the ‘stuckness’. Moving from the special to sacred in this manner often brings a deep healing and acceptance and sometimes even closure too, when it is necessary.

Amantha facilitates personal and group Rites of Passage as well as integrating this work into The Way of The Seabhean™ teachings.

Rituals, Ceremonies

& Rites of Passage

Rituals, Ceremonies and Rites of Passage are indigenous to us as human beings, they are archetypical within us, going way back to our earliest people. Rituals and Ceremonies give us the opportunity to mark the pivotal and personal points in our lives. Recognising how we can move from the pain or the ‘stuckness’. Moving from the special to sacred in this manner often brings a deep healing and acceptance and sometimes even closure too, when it is necessary.

Amantha facilitates personal and group Rites of Passage as well as integrating this work into The Way of The Seabhean™ teachings.

Amantha works with:

– Blessing Ways
– Birth / Naming
– First Blood / Last Blood
– Re-Naming
– Celebrations of Unions / Legal Marriages *
– Medicine Time
– Hysterectomy / Mastectomy
– Separation Ritual
– Crone Ceremony
– Celebration of Life

*Amantha is a legal celebrant, able to perform marriages, through The Spiritual Union of Ireland.

Please contact Amantha for further information and to book your ceremony.

Shamanic Healing

Beginning by talking together, Amantha connects with your energy fields and weave. Amantha will then work with you on ‘Cutting the Ties’, Soul Retrieval, people who might be pulling on you to patterns – ones you have cultivated in life, as well as ancestral patterns your soul has agreed to work through in this life – that no longer support or assist you.

Soul Retrieval is Retrieving parts of your Soul that might have disconnected from you energetically, due to shock, illness, pain, amongst other experiences. Amantha gently Journeys into the part of you that is still held in that experience and assists you in the healing process of bringing that part of you home again.  Personal information, totems and other lives sometimes also come in to assist in these sessions.

€300 per session, lasting 2-3 hours & recording will be sent to you. 3 sessions recommended.

House & Land Clearing

When possible, Amantha will travel to the house and/or land to clear any energies that might not be supportive for the person, peoples or animals living there. There might also be deep imprints, from times past, of what happened upon the land and this can still be holding. There can be vortexes or portals that need working with. This work is especially important if there are children in the house or area.

Amantha is also able to do a lot of this work remotely, if needed.

Contact us for a quote, will include travel costs.

Esoteric Astrology - Natal Chart

In Esoteric Astrology, Amantha draws up your birth chart. Your esoteric birth chart is your soul’s contract in this life, a blueprint of what your soul has chosen to experience and evolve through. The interpretation is intensive and produces information to be used throughout one’s life.

Knowing what your soul has chosen is like putting up a sail in your boat of life, wherein the planetary influences are the winds that drive it. Once you understand your contracts you are able to direct the boat rather than letting the winds blow you one way and another.

€300 per session lasting 2-4 hours, includes recording of session.

Personal Absent Healing with Photos

To perform an Absent Healing/Soul Retrieval*, Amantha holds a photo of you and works with the energy bodies around you. Sometimes this entails ‘dreaming’ into your energy bodies to release what is being held.  This work is done remotely: You and Amantha agree on a time when you will sit or lie down where you are and Amantha will do the work from her location.

*Amantha always needs a person’s permission to do this work, unless the person is unconscious, dying or is a young child; in this case she will first ask permission of their higher self before beginning the process.

From €100 per hour.

Esoteric Astrology - Transit

The transits are your yearly forecasts. They show what is happening for you right now and for the year to come. This can greatly assist you in how to ‘hear’ what your soul is urging you toward. Transits are at their most potent if you have already had your birth chart interpreted by Amantha.

€300 per session which includes recording.


“From the bottom of our hearts we thank Amantha for a wedding ceremony more beautiful, unique and emotional than we could have dreamed of. We are delighted to be married by such a wonderful and warm person.”


“We consider ourselves so lucky to have been married by Amantha. She was warm and calming and perfect in every way. We will be forever grateful to her.”


“Dear Amantha, Thank you for your Crone Wisdom and your Mother Love. Sacred journeys Sacred time.”


“Many thanks for a wonderful naming ceremony Amantha. It is a day we will remember and cherish forever. We feel very blessed.”


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